Our Minister

Rev. Shanna warner, PhD

Senior Minister

About Rev. Shanna

Rev Shanna Warner, PhD, is an Oklahoma native. She grew up on a small farm outside of Wilburton. Connecting with nature fostered her sense of spirituality. She was raised in a traditional Christian church, but left the church after experiencing religious trauma during college. She felt a pull to spirituality even after leaving organized religion behind.

After taking a break from her first doctoral program, and while raising a child with a serious medical condition as a single mother, Warner found meditation. After her son was grown, she remarried. Within a year her husband unexpectedly passed away. Meditation was her saving grace during those difficult decades. A deeply moving spiritual experience after her husband’s death propelled her on a new journey to understand life and the afterlife.

She entered a second doctoral program, finished her Master’s of Divinity degree and completed her PhD in Transpersonal Counseling. While reading a footnote in the recommended reading section of one of her classes, Warner was drawn to the book A Course In Miracles. Through that book, she found a renewed spiritual connection with the metaphysical and mystical energy of Christ. That led her to a deeper study of New Thought spirituality, which led to a chance meeting with two leaders of Unity in OKC and Tulsa. During doctoral work, she was ordained as a metaphysical minister. She was accepted into the Special Dispensation program of Unity Worldwide Ministries and became the full-time minister at Unity of Tulsa, Midtown in June of 2023.

Warner has been a radio announcer and producer, newspaper reporter, church organist, support group organizer, office manager, podcaster, blogger, author, business owner, certified holistic practitioner, reiki master, and is now the Minister and Spiritual Leader at Unity. Along with her current husband, Mark Warner, she owned several businesses, published a natural health magazine, and started a nonprofit focused on holistic wellness.

Rev Shanna loves to drink hot tea, loves to chat about ACIM, loves listening to jazz, and will happily recite poetry on demand.