Building Strong Connections

Service Healing Peace

Serving our Community

We support local community nonprofits focused on health and healing, along with national organizations focused on peace. We support these organizations with our time, energy and money. Giving them a platform for community awareness helps them reach and serve more people, too.

We believe in building bridges through understanding and cooperation. This creates a stronger person, family, community, city and state.


Hospitality House

Hospitality House of Tulsa seeks to provide a “home away from home” for families going through a medical crisis and have a loved one in the hospital. Families are given lodging, meals, a laundry facility, and various supplies for their rooms.

Hospitality House of Tulsa

Osage Forest of Peace

Osage Forest of Peace has been and continues to be a welcoming home for spiritual seekers across the world. A quiet place to escape the noise of everyday life and simply ‘Be’. They offer nourishment for the mind, body and soul with daily meditation, an extensive library, delicious food, cozy cabins and the peacefulness of nature. You can plan a day visit or an overnight personal retreat. All are welcome.


Emergency Infant Services

Emergency Infant Services

FBoEOK Logo Stacked (Spot)

Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma

Food Bank of Eastern Oklahoma

food kid